Historically, providing 10% of individual income (cash, crops, animal stock, etc.) to the Church (whether the Levitical clergy, or Christian clergy)
Group Discussion Question: How have the churches you’ve been a part of treated tithing?
Old Testament Biblical References
Abraham and Melchizedek2
Jacob’s promises to God3
A tenth of Israel’s seed, fruit, and flocks given to God4,5,6,7,8,9
New Testament Biblical References
How believers are no longer under the mosaic covenant10,11,12
Believers are instead instructed to be generous in helping those in need13,14,15,16
It is a general belief that tithing is not required today, though it is seen as a guide for how much income to provide to the church, and all mainline churches encourage a tithe17,18,19,20
Group Discussion Question: Can providing service instead of money be considered an appropriate tithe?
There are still some organizations that will annotate that tithing is required, including some Catholic Churches (referencing the Council of Macon in 585 A.D., Charlemagne’s law in the 8th century, and the Council of Trent between 1545-1563)21
Group Discussion Question: Is it appropriate to tithe, to a point where you go into debt because of your tithe?
Group Discussion Question: Can your tithe ever be in conflict with other biblical requirements?
Group Discussion Question: Based on scripture, is it true that if someone today tithes 10%, then God will provide them with that 10% elsewhere, repaying that individual?
In many churches, the tithe, offerings, and sacrifice are interchangeable terms, sometimes all falling under stewardship22
Officers and sacrifices are in some places considered separate from the tithe, as any donation to the church that goes beyond 10%23,24
Group Discussion Question: Do you consider tithing and sacrifice to ever be the same?
Money and today’s Church
Biblical advice and requirements for how the church is expected to spend its money:
Paying elders and workers (especially preachers and teachers, who are said o be considered worthy of double honor)25,26,27
Paying for evangelistic and missionary work28,29,30
Giving to the needs of the poor31,32,33,34
Money should be handled in a way that’s defensible against accusation, should be handled by trustworthy people, and there should be accountability for money and its uses35,36
Group Discussion Question: Are you comfortable when your church discusses money? (why or why not?)
Group Discussion Question: Do you support your pastor(s) spending money they gain from the church on anything that they would like to spend it on?
Group Discussion Question: Are you aware of what your church is spending money on, and how easy is it to find out? Should all churches be 100% transparent on how they spend money?
Group Discussion Question: Do you feel like your church is currently spending money on what is should be?
Group Discussion Question: Is it acceptable to give money to non-Christian organizations in place of your tithe? What about Christian organizations that aren’t officially part of a church?