Group discussion question: Why do many churches prefer to focus on the New Testament?
Group discussion question: Why was there a need for a New Testament?
Why the gospels are different, and how there have been attempts to combine them3,4,5,6
Group discussion question: Is there a specific gospel you feel a greater connection with, and why?
Biblical cannon (from the Muratorian fragment to the current Protestant and Catholic cannons)7,8,9
Group discussionquestion: Have you read any of the apocrypha?
Group discussion question: Can the Biblical cannon plausibly contain future books that have not yet been written?
The significance of the King James (and its textual issues, e.g. 1 John 5:7-8)10,11,12
What Christians agree on about the Bible
It is sufficient for justification and divinely inspired, and that God was at work in the process of canonization13,14,15
Be aware that the sources given for this are primarily Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, and Lutheran, as these denominations make up around 55% of the total Christians in the US (nondenominational are another 6.2%, and I’ve not included these resources since they do not have a substantial agreement between one-another on secondary and tertiary Christian subjects)16
Where opinions on the Bible differ
Whether the Bible is infallible (without any ability to error – traditionally used to state that the Bible cannot deceive readers in matters of faith, and is wholly sufficient in leading a person to justification) or inerrant (without error or fault – traditionally used to state that the Bible is perfectly logical and has no textual errors or contradictions… aka perfect internal consistency)17,18
Group discussion question: Are you aware of any contradictions in the Bible, and how can you explain why they were written and accepted as cannon? (examples can include different numbers of soldiers in an army, e.g. 1 Chronicles 21:5 vs 2 Samuel 24:9, details of Paul’s itinerary, e.g., Acts 9, 11, 15, and 21 vs Galatians 1:18 and 2:1, and the details of Judas’s death, e.g., Matthew 27:3-8 vs Acts 1:18)
Whether the Bible is literal, metaphorical, or a mix19,20
How to read the Bible
Types of translations (formal equivalence (word-for-word), dynamic equivalence (thought-for-thought), and paraphrased) and when to use each21,22,23
Group discussion question: What type of translation have you used, and are there any specific translations that you prefer, or would avoid?
Cultural understanding of events and sayings from within the Bible24,25
Schachterle, J. (2023, October 6). Canonization of the Bible: Understanding how we got the Bible. Bart D. Ehrman – New Testament Scholar, Speaker, and Consultant.